“Brotherhood of outrage,” Journalist states what Toffees and Nottingham Forest fans will do in the Goodison encounter.


Everton and Nottingham Forest fans will form a “brotherhood of outrage” when they meet at Goodison Park on Sunday (April 21), according to Jonathan Wilson.


Everton and Nottingham Forest charged with FFP violations


The journalist wrote on The Guardian website on Saturday (20 April) that there will be protests and coloured cards, cries about corruption, and possibly a sense of camaraderie between the two groups of followers after their clubs were both docked points this season.


He said that there would be a strong sense of injustice about it all, which he believes is “not entirely unreasonable” given how wages have risen and how much money has been spent in the Premier League over the last few decades.


“At Goodison on Sunday, there will be protests and coloured cards, chants about corruption, perhaps even a sense of fraternity, two clubs united in a brotherhood of outrage,” said Wilson.


“There will be a great sense of the injustice of it all, which is not entirely unreasonable: when you look at what’s happened in football over the past couple of decades – the wage inflation, the absurd sums spent – you can understand why fans might think: “Why us? How come we’re the ones who’ve been done for this?”


Everton and Nottingham Forest fans have right to feel aggrieved

Everton and Forest fans have every reason to be upset about the way the points deduction scenario has been handled.


While both sides agreed to spending violations, they feel unfairly treated, especially given that other clubs have so far avoided any potential penalties.


There will undoubtedly be plenty of songs sung in protest of the Premier League, which has been chastised for how it has handled the points deduction scandal.


Fans will most likely be united in their disgust with their own clubs, having been forced to watch while blunders are made at the highest level.

However, once the game begins, they will hope that their team is fully prepared for the battle ahead, with both clubs desperate for points in their bids to remain in the Premier League this season.









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