Following a season of protests from Celtic and others, the Scottish FA plans to make a new important appointment next season.

So much so that the Scottish FA, which is usually defensive, has had to sit up and take note.

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Earlier this year, it was revealed that Crawford Allan, Head of Referee Operations, would be departing the association and that protocols would be reviewed.

This followed multiple complaints from teams around the division about poor refereeing, particularly the use of video technology.


Now, someone from outside the Scottish footballing bubble will be chosen in an attempt to rectify the situation beginning next season.


Scottish FA targets former Premier League ref

Bournemouth ask Premier League to investigate referee Jon Moss’s ‘sarky’  remarks | The Independent

According to the Scottish Sun, veteran English Premier League referee Jon Moss is the top candidate to take over as the SFA’s next head of referees, succeeding Allan.


Moss retired two years ago after working as a referee for 23 years, including more than a decade in the Premier League.


In the meantime, he’s worked as a group manager on England’s professional game board, evaluating referee performance after matches.

He left that position in March and is now set to relocate north of the border to help with the issue up here.


SFA have a lot to prove and Celtic will be watching


It’s difficult to say how much impact the SFA’s ongoing refereeing review and new appointments will have until we see the results on the pitch. It’s not as if they have won the goodwill of fans.


It would be beneficial to have someone from outside Scottish football bring a fresh perspective to the department. Referees in Scotland have frequently been accused of being overly cliquey and looking out for themselves. Moss may change things up a little.









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